According to the Secretariat of the National Iranian Nursing Research Network based in Tabriz, the tenth, eleventh and twelfth meetings of the "Strategic Planning and Operational Program" working group were held in Tabriz faculty of Nursing and Midwifery. The details of the meetings are as follows:
In the tenth meeting of this working group, which was held on Monday, October 4, the opinions received from the members of the working group on strategic and operational planning, strategic and research-educational councils on the strategies that had presented in the previous meetings. Then, Strategies were edited and necessary changes were made, and according to the mission of the National Nursing Research Network and the assigned tasks, the general goals were outlined.
In the eleventh meeting, which was held on Monday, October 11, the mission and general goals and tasks of the network were reconsidered by the members of the working group and then were finalized. And specific goals were also designed for some general purposes.
In the twelfth meeting, which was held on Sunday, October 31, each member of the working group separately presented their distinct objectives in the meeting, and the specific objectives of each of the general goals were summarized and reviewed. Also, some of the items proposed by the members of the working group were separated from the specific goals due to the focus on a particular activity, so that in the next meeting, they will be included in the action plan table as activities related to the same goal.